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Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application。Zend_Loader_AutoloaderFactory::factory([ ''Zend_Loader_StandardAutoloader'' => [ ''autoregister_zf'' => true, ''namespaces'' => [ ''Application'' => ''/path/to/Application/src&...
Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application。class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap{ protected function _initAutoloader() { $loader = function($className) { $className = str_replace(''\\'', ''_'', $className);Zend_Loader_Autoloader::autoload($classNam...
如上图,接下来是产生一个ServiceManager对象,上面说过了,ZF2用到了Service Locator模式,程序中用到的服务,对象甚至全局参数都可以从ServiceManager中获取,这里生成的ServiceManager对象可以称它为全局ServiceManager对象(或者称之为ServiceLocator对象)。ZF2默认在全局服务对象(ServiceLocator)中注册了一个名为ControllerLoader的服务对...
ZF2开发中常用操作ZF2开发中常用操作 - zend framework 2 开发实战中常用操作最热门30问。新建文件:\module\Application\src\Application\Controller\Plugin\MyPlugin.php<?phpnamespace Application\Controller\Plugin;use Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;class MyPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {public function getResults...
To keep from accidentally screwing up my copy of ZF, I copied just the Zend\ACL and Zend\Acl.php into it’s own directory, d:\tmp\zendI stripped out all the .svn directories from my test copy before running. This is no longer necessary as Ralph has set it up to ignore them now.I ran the command shown above. It created...
Implementing PHP namespaces in an existing projectImplementing PHP namespaces in an existing projectIf you''ve been developing for a longer time you know the problem.We don''t use .inc.php anymore in the new framework if(substr($script,-14)==''.class.inc.php'' || in_array(basename($scri...
如上图,接下来是产生一个ServiceManager对象,上面说过了,ZF2用到了Service Locator模式,程序中用到的服务,对象甚至全局参数都可以从ServiceManager中获取,这里生成的ServiceManager对象可以称它为全局ServiceManager对象(或者称之为ServiceLocator对象)。ZF2默认在全局服务对象(ServiceLocator)中注册了一个名为ControllerLoader的服务对...
Using the new autoloaders from Zend Framework...I decided using the classmap autoloader as the main autoloader, and the good ol'' standard autoloader as the fallback autoloader.// As of ZF1.12.0RC2 the Zend prefix is not autoregistered // with the standard autoloader, so we need to require explicitly // the ...
Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application。Zend_Loader_AutoloaderFactory::factory([ ''Zend_Loader_StandardAutoloader'' => [ ''autoregister_zf'' => true, ''namespaces'' => [ ''Application'' => ''/path/to/Application/src&...
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