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常用的3500多条规范译文 再也不怕和外国人交流啦!【麻辣烫、拉面、自助餐…用英语怎么说?】禁止掉头No U-Turn,过山车Roller Coaster,麻辣烫Spicy Hot Pot,豆腐Doufu,自助餐Buffet…常用的3500多条规范译文↓↓ 再也不怕和外国人交流啦!
Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.“You couldn''t see my tears cause I am in the water.“ Fish said to water.    “But I could feel your tears cause you are in me.“ Answered water.If rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please ta...
【英语谚语100句,写作、口语都能用!】 【英语谚语100句,写作、口语都能用!】英语写作时没有提分亮点句?口语表达时总是词不达意?不要急,教你英语谚语100句:勇者无惧、百闻不如一见、竹篮打水一场空……耳熟能详的语句变成英文用起来,让你下笔如有神,出口就成章!送给即将考托福、雅思、专八以及考研复试的你!有用,
唯美英文When the world says:"give up", hope whispers:"try one more time".全世界都在说放弃的时候,希望在低语:再来一次。
【 练好口语,每天读一遍,坚持一个月?!】
英语学习如果执行失败,再绝妙的创意也毫无价值。因此,创意本身的价值要远远低于执行。Even a brilliant idea is worth almost zero if the execution fails.So the idea itself has much less value than the execution itself. ——阿林·莫契斯,Mobiversal.com联合创始人。
英语学习旅行的长度由钱包决定;旅行的宽度由目光决定;旅行的深度由心灵决定。The length of a journey depends on your budget;the breadth of a journey, on your vision;and the depth of a journey, on your heart.by潮人徐峰立。
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