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drop stitch.= knit two stitches together。p2tog = purl two stitches together。s2kp = sl 2-k1-p2sso = slip two stitches as if tok2-tog,knit 1, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch.Sk2p = sl 1-k2 tog-psso = slip one stitch,knit next two stitches together,pass slipped stitch over the k2-tog stitch.sl = sl st = slip stitc...
从针目背面插入,织一针下针。将两针并为一针下针,左上两针合一针。挑起下方段的针目,织一针下针。针,棒针。将滑针套上,用滑针把空针盖住。从针目后面织一针上针,穿过里针。以织上针方向插入棒针,从背后进针。slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit st.织一针加长针,毛线在针上绕两圈或数圈,然后织下一...
NOTE: The 36 stitches that you just purled are the Heel Flap stitches.Round 3: (Starting with k2) work DSS as established to 3 stitches before next marker, k1, k2tog, slip marker, (starting with picking up the bar between the stitches) work DSS to next marker, slip marker, ssk, k1, (starting with picking up the bar be...
K or k = knit stitch 下针P or p = purl stitch 上针。(This is how you begin each knitted piece.)Inc = Increase 加针。Work even 继续 不加针不减针。加针。M1 p-st make one purl stitch 加一针上针。(找了找 貌似类似国内的菠萝针 疙瘩针之类的) 国外网站提供的图。p2tog purl 2 stitches together 两针...
【图解】几种基础针法、符号及英文:下针knit、上针purl、加针M1、减针K2tog ssk ps...6、英文中加针通常用M1(make 1 increase)表示,左加针为M1L(make 1 LEFT),右加针为M1R(make 1 right)9、还有种常见的减针方法,英文中叫SSK(Slip,Slip,Knit),跟K2tog类似但减针后效果不同,下面视频中主要讲了SSK和K2tog的区别,并顺带示范了PS...
p = purl 上针 patt = pattern 花样,模样编 p2sso = pass 2 slipped stitches over together 将两滑针套过左侧针 p2tog = purl two stitches together? 左上二并针(日符号:「人-」) p3tog = purl three stitches together 左上三并针 picot 凸编 plain stitch 平针 pm = place marker 放记号圈 psso = pass slipped stitch over 将滑针套过...
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