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After AJAX Repeater control next logical thing was to try and create paging control, a control which renders paging links when you set its properties like page count and page number, I have been using similar control in asp.net page so I decided to implement same thing with JavaScript.We will use prorotype.js script t...
WS.Call:一个包装了 XMLHttpRequest 的 Web 服务客户机 WS.QName:XML 限定名实现 WS.Binder:自定义 XML 序列化器/反序列化器的基础 WS.Handler:请求/响应处理程序的基础 SOAP.Element:包装了 XML DOM 的基本 SOAP 元素 SOAP.Envelope:SOAP Envelope 对象扩展了 SOAP.Element SOAP.Header:SOAP Header 对象扩展了 SOAP.Element SOAP.Body...
AJAXGear ToolkitIt is a toolkit that allows you to take advantage of the client-side technique known as AJAX. AJAX is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It uses the XMLHttpRequest object to allow a Web browser to make asynchronous call to the Web server without the need to refresh the whole page.moo.ajaxmo...
* 获取指定子元素路径名称和属性名称及值的元素* @param document the JDOM document built from Listing 2* @param visitedNodeName 指定要访问的子节点元素名称* @param attributeName 属性名称* @param attributeValue 属性值* @return 返回指定的元素*/* 修改指定节点元素的属性* @param document* @param nodePath* @param attrName* @par...
XML DOM Clone Nodes.In the examples below, we will use the XML file books.xml, and the JavaScript function loadXMLDoc().The cloneNode() method creates a copy of a specified node.This parameter indicates if the cloned node should include all attributes and child nodes of the original node.The following code fragment co...
XML DOM Add Nodes.The appendChild() method is used to add a node after the last child of a specific node.//check if last child node is an element node function get_lastchild(n) { var x=n.lastChild;Element nodes has a nodeType of 1, so if not the last child of the node in the parameter is an element node, it moves to t...
XML DOM Create Nodes.xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("books.xml");var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(‘book‘); var newel,newtext.i++) { newel=xmlDoc.createElement(‘edition‘); newtext=xmlDoc.createTextNode(‘First‘); newel.appendChild(newtext); x[i].appendChild(newel); }var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(‘book‘); var n...
//check if last child node is an element node function get_lastchild(n) { var x=n.lastChild;//add the text node to the title node, //and add the title node to the book node newTitle.appendChild(newText);Element nodes has a nodeType of 1, so if not the last child of the node in the parameter is an element node, it move...
XML DOM Remove Nodes.Element nodes has a nodeType of 1, so if not the last child of the node in the parameter is an element node, it moves to the previous node, and checks if this node is an element node.The removeAttributeNode() method is used to remove an attribute node.Removed attribute: category Removed attribute:...
XML DOM Set Nodes.Set a New Attribute and Attribute Value.The setAttribute() method can be used to change the value of an existing attribute, or to create a new attribute/attribute value for an element.The following code fragment adds a new attribute/attribute value to each <book> element:The following code frag...
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