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A strong man will struggle withA strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.
As long as you work hard, any goAs long as you work hard, any good luck will come to you!
有足够的实力,才可以做想做的事情。你慢慢颓废,我先超你一步了。有足够的实力,原则和底线才会被尊重。No matter how muddy the water is, as long as it settles for a long time, it will still be extraordinarily clear, and no matter how stupid people are, they can rewrite their fate as long as they work hard enough.
Never blame anyone in yourNever blame anyone in your life永远不要责怪任何人Good people give you happiness好的人给你快乐Bad people give you experience坏的人给你经历Worst people give you lessons糟糕的人给你教训Best people give you memories最好的人给你最美的回忆。
When you ask for something, theWhen you ask for something, the whole universe will help you to get it.欢迎关注[来看我],帮您提升英文水平.#你认为人世间什么最珍贵##支撑人活下去,继续奋斗的动力是什么?##你认为人世间最美的是什么?
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