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实践EFI、GPT安装windows 8和archlinux双系统。进入笔记本bios设置(已经是efi模拟的bios了),将启动方式修改为EFI插入win8启动U盘,在启动时选择从u盘启动windows8会提示需要将硬盘格式化成GPT才支持EFI,将原有的分区全部删除,新建一个15G以上的分区,安装程序会自动添加两分区,这样就有一个300M的是MSR(微软系统备份),一个100M的是ESP...
How to Access Linux Ext4 Partition From Windows。If you dual boot your computer with both Windows and Linux, you will discover that while you can access the Windows NTFS partition from Linux, you won’t be able to access Linux partition from Windows. If you have urgent needs to access Linux Ext4 partition from Windows...
反Secure Boot垄断:兼谈如何在Windows 8电脑上安装Linux.首先明确,在不打开Secure Boot的情况下,Windows 8可以安装。因此,消费者购买一台预装Windows 8的台式机或笔记本,想要在上面再安装其他操作系统(包括以前版本的Windows)是不可能的,除非关闭Secure Boot,或者其他操作系统能够通过Windows 8公钥的认证。因此,在预装Windows 8的电...
Multiple Boot Systems Time Conflicts(Ubuntu windows dual boot)Most operating systems (Linux/Unix/Mac) store the time on the hardware clock as UTC by default, though some systems (notably Microsoft Windows) store the time on the hardware clock as the ''local'' time.To make MS Windows calculate the time ...
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