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【英语】 高考中容易混淆的名词。前面已经讲了名词中的常考内容“名词所有格”和“名词作定语”,这两项内容很多时候会在单选题中出现,而下面要讲的近义名词辨析在完形填空中出现的相对多一点。这两个词都可以用作名词和动词,作名词时,意义相近,但不是同义词。作名词时,award的意思是"奖品,奖金",其意思与prize相似,两者都指...
国外旅游常用英语口语100句之日常用语及住宿篇日常用语篇章:2、Excuse me.3、Excuse me.How do I get to the airport?7、Excuse me, Is there .......near by?(比如Excuse me, Is there baker near by?翻译:我會晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。翻译:我在北京已预订房间。翻译:我想要一间视野好的房间。翻译:我想要楼上的房间。
2017小学毕业班英语综合测试卷一.(15分)1.你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:( ) A.Let''''''''s go fishing thisweekend. B.Let''''''''s go hiking this weekend. C.Let''''''''s go ice-skating thisweekend.2.当别人跟...
2017小学六年级英语综合测试卷二.2017小学六年 级 英语综合测试卷二姓名:____________ 班级:__________ 分数:_____________第一部分听力测试(每小题2分)I.听录音,选出你听到的词语。Canada is famous for maple trees.Australia is famous for koalas.It is famous for maple leaves.Australia is famous for koalas and kangaroos.Sydne...
At night we go outside to look at the lanterns and play withfireworks(烟火).Itis very wonderful.( ) 6. On Spring Festival , we make mooncakes. ( ) 7 .I like Spring Festival very much.( ) 8. Most Chinese people like eating dumplings.( ) 9. We wash the coat on Spring Festival.( )10. I often ...
( )7. What’sAmy’s hobby?A. He likesdancing. B. She likes danceing. C. She likes dancing.( )8. Stopand wait at a ______ light.A. red B.yellow C. green( )9. Sarahcan’t go to the park. She is ______. A. happy B.sad C. afraid( )10.ZhangPeng works in a factory. He is a _______. A. poli...
A.he was poor and had no other axes B.he could not go on working C.he liked his axe very much D.his axe was a gold axe ( ) 52.A.only one axe B.two axes C.three axes D.many axes ( ) 54.八 补全对话 根据提示和对话内容,在每个括号内填上适当的词,使对话意思完整, 每个括号内只准填一个单词。根据提示和对话内容,在每个...
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