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答应我,忍住你的痛苦 | 加缪如是说。在很多人心目中,阿尔贝·加缪是标准的“文艺男神”。在其它文章中,加缪说,“真正的救赎,并不是厮杀后的胜利,而是能在苦难之中找到生的力量和心的安宁。今晚分享加缪语录,愿你也能从中汲取前行的力量。花边君。如果人们承认世界自身也能够去爱、去忍受痛苦的话,那就与世界和解了。他们远非要忘记...
你的善良必须有点锋芒。拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生,美国思想家、文学家,诗人。爱默生是确立美国文化精神的代表人物。美国前总统林肯称他为“美国的孔子”、“美国文明之父”。—— 爱默生 《处世之道·崇拜》—— 爱默生。你的善良必须有点锋芒——不然就等于零。—— 爱默生 《爱默生随笔》——爱默生。——爱默生 《文明》—— 爱...
斯皮尔伯格2016年哈佛大学演讲。非常感谢Faust校长、Paul Choi校长,谢谢你们。All of these things are in your hero’s quiver, but still, a hero needs one more thing: A hero needs a villain to vanquish. And you’re all in luck. This world is full of monsters. And there’s racism, homophobia, ethnic hatred, class hatred, th...
英国首相卡梅伦就脱欧公投发表讲话 宣布将辞职。The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected.A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new prime minister and I think it''s right that this new prime minister takes the decision about when to trigg...
Can we, like, transfer to a different one?I think it was that same impulse that took my brother and me to Zambia in 2006, as part of the ONE Campaign — the organization that Bono founded to fight desperate, stupid poverty and preventable disease in the developing world. On that trip, in a small community, I met a gir...
伯南克普林斯顿毕业演讲:给他们点颜色看看(视频)Fed Chair Ben Bernanke has given his 2nd commencement speech of the season. Today he delivered a speech to graduates of Princeton, where of course he was an econ professor before becoming Fed chair. His speech is short and simple, offering 10 pieces of advice and wisdom ...
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