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美国日常口语交流中那些容易被误解的英文表达美国日常口语交流中那些容易被误解的英文表达。No.5 Give me a five!一次我和同事分享好消息,同事很是为我高兴,大声说了句“GIVE ME A FIVE!” 并高高地把手举了起来,我没明白咋回事,愣着看着她,问她“你是要我给你5块钱么?” 同事在对面快笑瘫了,解释给我说是拍她手掌的意思。学英语的时...
英语这样说才native英语这样说才native.3. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。)4. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。)8. It''s a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)24. Drop me a line[短信].(写封信给我)27. Neck and neck.(不分上下。)29. Don''t get me wrong[误解].(不要误会我。)33...
这些炫掉渣的英语句子你掌握了吗?/ Don''t get fresh with me!生气的相关表达 1.He''s so irritated他特别生气 2.Don''t piss him off 别惹怒他 3.hold a grudge记仇 4.We had a little dust-up我们吵了一架 5.get back at him报复他 6.You gotta let it go; You gotta move on忘记这事儿吧。get on one''s n...
用英语称赞男性 夸人必备!clean-faced五官清秀。clean-shaven剃净胡须。
你不知道的中文常用口语地道英译法你不知道的中文常用口语地道英译法。2、上瘾get into one''s blood说来也怪,很多不好的事往往会使人上瘾。He''s always going gaga。7、说话不算数go back on one''s words.8、废话连篇beat one''s gums.9、恩将仇报 bite the hand that feeds one  你难道不知道她是个恩...
绝世衰男 Omega male-绝世衰男 Omega male-我们今天说的omega male也跟希腊字母表有关系,只不过它的位置不那么靠前。An omega male then is the "last" man.因此,omega male自然指的就是男人中排在“最后一名”的人。也就是说,如果要给全世界的男人按照勇敢、智力、领导能力、慷慨程度等优点排名的话,omega male肯定是排名最后的...
穿越式聚会 Time travel party穿越式聚会 Time travel party.Time travel party is a new type of schoolmates gathering held by the post-80s generation, who have been away from campus for years.
假面时代 PS generation假面时代 PS generation.PS generation describes the phenomenon that many people would like to polish their photos to perfection with Photoshop software before uploading them to social networking websites or microblogs.假面时代专指多数人将照片用PS软件处理过后才上传到社交网站或微博等网络平台。
双速欧洲 Two-speed Europe双速欧洲 Two-speed Europe.有消息称,德国和法国希望建立“双速欧洲”或“核心欧元区”。Crisis may create ''two-speed Europe'': A "two-speed" European Union may come sooner than expected, analysts said, as the worsening debt crisis requires deeper and stricter fiscal disc...
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