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Job Training, but No Job.He told Matt to go to the school on Monday. "How long does the class last?" Matt asked. "The class lasts eight weeks," the man said. "Will the school find me a job?" Matt asked. "No, you have to find your own job," the man said. "We can only do so m...
What Rain?The weatherman had said it was going to rain today.It was going to rain all day today.She put on her rain boots.She was ready for the rain.She was wearing her rain boots.She was wearing her raincoat.It wasn''t raining.Where was the rain?She took off her raincoat.She took off her rain boots.
Ten Pushups.Billy was doing pushups.His nose was close to the ground.Now his nose was almost two feet above the ground.That was one pushup.Then Billy bent his arms.His nose and belly almost touched the ground.That was another pushup.Billy did eight more pushups.He did ten pushups.He did ten pushups every day.
Dead Bodies.Dead bodies are in metal drawers.The bodies have no clothes.The bodies are naked.A white sheet covers each dead body.The drawers slide in.A doctor works in the big room with the dead bodies.He cuts the bodies open.He looks at the bodies.He looks inside the bodies.Every dead body is a puzzle.
A Cool Laptop.His laptop sat on his desk.His laptop always overheated.It cooled his laptop.How could he keep his laptop cool?He put the laptop on top of the blocks.One block was under each corner of the laptop.Now the laptop sat a little above the desk.There was space for cool air to flow.The cool air prevented overhe...
Learn to Swim.She called up the pool. "Do you teach adults how to swim?" she asked.The instructor said, "Yes, we teach adults how to swim. We teach kids how to swim. We teach everyone how to swim." She asked how much. "How much do you charge?" she asked. "We charge only $25 for adult...
An Ear Problem.His ear had a tiny air bubble in it.It bothered him a lot.The echo bothered him a lot.He tried to get rid of the tiny air bubble.Nothing happened.He stuck his finger deep in his ear and pulled it out quickly.The doctor gave him nose drops.The doctor gave him ear drops.The bubble was gone!
House Price Goes Up.Jack paid $100,000 for his house.It was a big house.She looked at his house.She looked at the garage. "This is a beautiful house," she said. "I think this house will sell for $500,000." Jack said, "That''s great. I will give $300,000 to my children. I will buy a sma...
The Pier Couldn''''''''''''''''t Run.Some people stood on the small pier.The boat was approaching the small pier.They started running off the pier.The boat kept coming.One man stood on the pier.He yelled, "Stop! Stop! You''re going to crash!&...
Shoot It Down.Criminals are in every city.Criminals are on every block.The criminals break all the laws.The police watch the criminals.The criminals shoot at the police.Last week they shot down a police helicopter.The criminals ran over to the helicopter.The criminals stole the guns from the dead policemen.
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