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google map虽然是Jesse James Garrett推荐的AJAX的品牌代言人,但是gmap并没有用xml,而是用了原生的javascript数组,我自己在用AJAX从服务端传回数据时也从来不用XML,因为它让我更繁琐让系统更慢。在庞大的企业应用市场估计还能有AJAX的一点容身之地,不过在MS、SUN不会看着AJAX这个野孩子来在他们的地盘上撒泼的,如果大家都用AJAX,那java...
网页上体验台式机程序 AJAX赋予软件新面孔。所谓AJAX是指“异步JavaScript + XML”(Asynchronous JavaScript + XML的缩写),程序员利用一系列的标准化技术,比如JavaScript和XML来进行应用程序开发。许多软件公司希望,结合了台式机图形用户界面与网络优势的AJAX能够振兴PC软件行业。使用AJAX,开发人员能够开发出兼容台式机应用程序的一种交...
什么是ajax: http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%CA%B2%C3%B4%CA%C7ajax&cl=3 http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%E6%98%AFajax&lr=进行ajax开发应用,对“css/javascript/dom”的要求比较高,所以进行开发前,最好要先提高一下对“css/javascript/dom”了解。今天在看《ajax in action》进度...
Ajax paves the way for better Web applications
I‘ve recently been researching reporting tools for a project I will be soon be working on. One of the tools I‘ve been looking at is JasperReports. JasperReports is a very popular open source (LGPL) reporting library written in Java. Unfortunately it is not very well documented and I had a hard time coming up with a ...
DWR configuration and use Setting up DWR for use is easy: Copy the DWR jar file to the Web application‘s WEB-INF/lib directory, add a servlet declaration to web.xml, and create the DWR configuration file.Second, the <create> tag makes DWR expose the dwr.sample
Eclipse RCP 应用系统 Ian Skerret 从上个月开始收集基于Eclipse RCP的应用程序。其中,包括了我之前曾经提到过的RSSOwl (一个基于SWT的RSS Reader),IBM Workplace (Lotus的新一代客户端),Eclipse Trader (一个基于RCP的实时股票分析软件),jLibrary (一个基于RCP的Desktop Content Management),以及NASA (美国航天航空局)用于控制火...
最近有人问我学习Spring的经验。其实我自己没怎么看过这方面的书,我当时只看过Spring的reference,不过现在这方面的书好象多的是,而Spring reference看起来还是有些吃力的。另外的入门书应该是Spring live或Spring in action。经过项目的锤炼,对Spring的用法和原理有了一定的了解的时候,才有可能真正掌握Spring的精髓。
Why Eclipse RCP is going to rule the world.For the last few days, I have been evaluating various platforms for an open source initiative, we are amazed with the framework and platform features of Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform).Here is my five reasons, why Eclipse RCP is going to rule the world.If you about to star...
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