笑熬浆糊糊 IP属地:广东

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自产绿色食品 100-foot diet~!100-foot diet is a diet that consists mostly or exclusively of food grown in one''s garden.100-foot diet指餐桌上的食物大部分或者全部来自于自家花园产出的作物,称为“自产绿色食品”。The 100-foot diet emphasizes on reducing one''s carbon footprint by growing most of the food y...
隔离尘世的black-hole resort~!近几年,国外一些旅游度假区开始推广“黑洞度假”理念,在他们那里度假,你的所有电子设备都没有用武之地,因为手机和网络信号都被屏蔽了。
Boutique hotel 精品酒店~!请看中国日报网报道:Unlike the traditional standardized hotel, a boutique hotel - also known as a lifestyle hotel or designer hotel - contains luxury facilities of varying degrees in unique or intimate settings with the opportunity to explore the local atmosphere.跟传统的标准化酒店不同,精品...
Subway fire brigade 地铁消防队~!上面报道中的subway fire brigade就是地铁消防队,该支队成立后,除承担消防安全监督和检查的职能外,eliminate fire hazards(排除险情)、参加轨道交通火灾救援和emergency rescue(应急抢险)都将成为支队的重要工作。
The Hottest Ethnic Trend 最炫民族风~!请看中国日报网报道:The music of Phoenix Legend, one of the hottest pop music groups in China, has also reached the NBA. One of their hit songs from three years ago, The Hottest Ethnic Trend, was used by cheerleaders during a NBA Houston Rockets game in April 2012.中国最火的音乐组...
央视大火主犯被追加刑期,“主犯”英语怎么说?周一,央视大火案的主犯被法院延长刑期13年。【讲解】主犯的英文就是chief culprit。
苹果2013深陷IPAD商标侵权纠纷,“商标侵权”英语怎么说?深圳唯冠方面认为,iPad中国内地的商标属于深圳唯冠所有,苹果公司在中国内地市场没有iPad商标权,并索赔100亿元人民币。【讲解】文中的trademark infringement即指商标侵权,trademark是指商标,商标注册可以说成trademark registration,如果商标已经被注册,别人再进行注册就算商标...
电梯故障频发,“电梯故障”英语怎么说?在杭州,四天之内在同一个小区连续发生两起电梯故障,这引发了居民们的担忧。仅仅四天前,该小区一名七旬老人突发疾病,然而当急救车赶来时,医务人员却发现小区消防通道被堵,同时楼内两部电梯双双故障,无奈徒步跑上22楼到达老人家中。【讲解】:"elevator malfunction"就是电梯故障的意思...
相比之下,上海、广州地铁则比较贴心,若地铁晚点,则会向乘客发放“迟到卡”,很多人因此可避免被罚。文中的late cards就是指“迟到卡”,是指上海和广州地铁提供的一项特殊服务,每次地铁出故障或延误后向乘客发放“Apology Letter(致歉信)”,上面印有到达站和当天日期。而地铁公司发放的《致乘客信》成了证明的“迟到卡”,替上班族向单...
无偿献血成高校评优指标,“献血”英语怎么说?Beijing has suffered from a blood shortage since last winter, and the blood bank storage Monday showed that they are in urgent need of all four major blood types, according to the municipal blood donation service website.【讲解】文中的“blood donation”就是献血的意思。血型的...
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