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微软公司建立费曼物理学讲座视频网站。1964年,理查德·费曼为康奈尔大学的Messenger课程作了一系列物理学讲座《On the Nature of Physical Law》,由BBC录制,BBC一直持有视频版权直至被比尔盖茨收购。费曼深入浅出的讲授物理学知识的能力为人所称道,授课也极受学生欢迎,《费曼物理学讲义》是他最著名的作品,感兴趣的人可以在国内的优...
用更精确的数学语言来说,就是要求把平面上的单位圆盘分割成有限块,每一块是一个点集,然后通过平移和旋转这些保持面积的方法,将这些点集拼成面积相同的正方形。在数学上,这些无法定义面积的点集叫不可测集。尽管现在大多数数学家都会自然地运用选择公理和它的各种变种,但在 20 世纪初,公理集合论起步伊始之时,是否允许使用选择公理曾经...
根据自然数的意义(也就是人类平时数数时对自然数的运用方法),它应该是从一个数开始,一直往上数,而且想数几个就可以数几个(也就是自然数有无限个)。公理 1. 0 是一个自然数。有了这以上的努力,我们就可以这样定义自然数系了:存在一个自然数系 N,称其元素为自然数,当且仅当这些元素满足公理 1 - 5。1 + 1= S(0) + 1 (根据自然数的公...
Fernlike Stellar Dendrites 松枝星晶体 Sometimes the branches of stellar crystals have so many side-branches they look a bit like ferns, so we call them fern-like stellar dendrites. These are the largest snow crystals, often falling to earth with diameters of 5 mm or more. In spite of their large size, these are sing...
逻辑学-思辨的科学LOGIC - THE SCIENCE OF CORRECT ARGUMENTBy Linh ??ng - Nov 13th, 2008.A Correct ArgumentA correct argument is one in which anyone who accepts the premises ought to accept the conclusion.If the argument is the only reason to accept the conclusion, and if the person does not have good reason to accept th...
Tag: article, fractalAre you familiar with fractals in general?In other words, fractal is a fractal is a fractal is a fractal -can there be anything simpler?Fractal art in general uses fractal geometry functions to create similar patterns or self replicas.Fractal artworks.The homepage has a large collection of fractal...
泡泡里的飓风(4 pics + 1 video)Tornado Inside Soap BubbleGreat experiment, watch especially the video, it is really impressive!
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