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Adobe Acrobat 3D 介绍 First Look Review: Adobe Acrobat 3D.Adobe Acrobat 3D contains all the functionality of Acrobat Professional 7.0.7 as well as expanded capabilities for the creation of PDF files that contain dynamic 3D content.If you haven''t already done so, update your free Adobe Reader to v7.0.7 or late...
如何用Excel的宏功能向Word中拷贝数据Copy something to Word using Macro.过程就是点击结果,等待1秒出现位移变形图,然后Ctrl+C拷贝图片,点击Word,新建页面,拷贝,回到Femap。因此考虑用Excel中的宏功能,自动拷贝一些东西,然后在Word中粘贴。Dim WD As ObjectSet WD = CreateObject("Word.Application") ''Word.Dim d...
现代CAE浴火重生。对浴火重生最具发言权的软件应属以非线性和多场耦合技术著称的ANSYS软件。DesignXplorer VT是ANSYS公司2001年推出的多目标优化软件,是ANSYS 2000年收购法国参数化技术公司CADOE后,将其技术集成到Workbench之后推出的新模块。VT技术深入到CAE程序内核,将CAE矩阵(刚度阵、质量阵等)的各元素改变成设计变量的函数(经典CAE...
There is a small architectural practice in Melville, Johannesburg, that has done the unthinkable: removed all Microsoft software from their machines and replaced it with Free and Open Source alternatives. The only proprietary software which they still run are old AutoCAD R14 licenses built for the Microsoft Windows p...
反之,AutoCAD将只使用已调入AutoCAD当前进程中的MNU文件。例如,先从File/new开始一张新图,选用范图acad.dwg , AutoCAD默认的菜单文件是acad.mnu,关闭"Use Menu in Header",这时再用open命令打开一张带有用户定制菜单的图形,AutoCAD将使用当前进程中的菜单文件acad.mnu,而不会调入该图自己的定制菜单。如果把AutoCAD配置成以系...
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