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迪拜新的疯狂作品---Anara塔Amazing Anara Tower.Anara Tower is the most cool and nice architecture on the world.Located in Dubai.The 125-story skyscraper is about 700 meters tall and vies for the tallest spot.The building will also host 300 residential apartments.
These are photos of Dubai in the fog.They were taken in December 2005 from the 33rd level of the Emirates Towers.The skyscrapers are absolutely beautiful especially in the fog.Dubai is a beautiful city but the fog makes it mysterious and even more beautiful.12345678.
迪拜的26个建筑奇迹。迪拜塔又称迪拜大厦或比斯 迪拜塔,有162个楼层,总高度818米,比台北101足足高出310米。"迪拜码头"项目于1998年启动,占地面积5300万平方英尺(约合490万平方米),沿着蔓延3.34公里(约合2英里)的迪拜海岸"雕琢"而成,是一座设计灵感源自威尼斯传统的水城。世界最高的建筑(不久将竣工)迪拜塔。迪拜世界...
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