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Cast Jack Gleeson Talks King Joffrey Following Tragic Death of Westros Resident.Cast member Jack Gleeson appeared in his last episode as his character King Joffrey was killed off the series over the weekend(Photo : Facebook/Game of Thrones)Cast member Jack Gleeson appeared in his last episode as his character King Jof...
“权利的游戏”中的“外语”Learn to Speak Dothraki and Valyrian From the Man Who Invented Them for Game of Thrones.
《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》第三季发布12款海报(高分辨率)Two more here.
Only a cat of a different coat, that''s all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere, But now the rains weep o''er his hall, with no one there ...
冰与火之歌 权力的游戏 完整版主题曲钢琴版 (Video)
冰与火之歌 完整主题曲 小提琴荡气回肠版 权力的游戏 (Video)
【衣柜军团出品】权力的游戏最新非官方片花——刀剑如梦 (Video)
猎狗与小鸟Sansa、Sandor饭制MV (Video)
冰与火之歌:权力的游戏饭制MV The Funeral (Video)
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