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Finite Element programming in Julia.The finite element algorithm is presented in three files: poisson_fem.jl, finite_element.jl, mesh.jl.# Method 1#K = zeros(n_size,n_size)#fe_matrices(mesh,u,stiffness,fext,K,F) # Method 2#K = spzeros(n_size,n_size)#fe_matrices(mesh,u,stiffness,fext,K,F)# Method 3iu,ju,vu = fe_matrice...
It’s a common problem for programmers as well as mathematicians, researchers and data scientists. So Karpinski set out to solve it. He and several other computer scientists are building a new language they hope will be suited to practically any task. Dubbed Julia, it provides an early glimpse into what programming la...
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