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The pavilion''s walls are made of clear glass fibres and black carbon fibres;Mimicking the lobster''s fibre matrix improves the structure''s load-bearing capacity while using a small amount of materials as compared to a more conventional structure. "Nature [uses the fibre matrix] because i...
Designing a fuel station and fast food outlet may not seem to be the most thrilling of projects, but for Georgian architect Giorgi Khmaladze, his design may just put the Eurasian town of Batumi on the map.Khmaladze is currently in the final construction phase of building a new fuel station and McDonald’s premises in ...
加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校图书馆About the Geisel Library Building.On December 1, 1995 The University Library Building was renamed Geisel Library in honor of Audrey and Theodor Geisel (Dr.The library addition, designed by Gunnar Birkerts, was deliberately designed to be subordinated to the strong, geometrical form of the...
凤凰城的大头针The Pin: Spiraling 430-foot observation tower planned for Phoenix.The Pin will be Phoenix’s second tallest tower, below the 483 ft (147.2 m) Chase Tower, and hopes to serve as a working model of sustainable energy practice through the use of LED lights for night-time illumination and solar technologies.
The design team, in conjunction with the fabricators and erectors, converged upon a system of post-tensioned segmental steel box girders 33 feet deep by 12 feet wide with 13/8-inch sidewalls and 23/8-inch flanges as the primary structural system for the cantilevering segment, and a system of primary steel bridge truss...
The Wuxi Grand Theatre is located on a man-made peninsula of Wu-Li Lake, south of Wuxi centre city and is the most important new cultural building project of the Tai-Hu New City.The main architectural image of the Wuxi Grand Theatre consists of eight leaves, or wings, which, together with the terraced stone plinth giv...
难得一见的保加利亚农村风景。保加利亚农村妇女。去保加利亚,很想看看她们的农村是怎样光景。风格独特的农村房舍。村内的杂货店。村内的餐馆。村民房舍。村民传统住宅院外。村内的珠宝店。自得其乐的村民。村内的街道 P19。村内商店及村民房舍 P21。村内一景 P22。村内商店 P23。村内的餐馆 P24。村内的蔬菜副食品商店 P25。
建筑师Oscar Niemeyer和迷人的曲线A Look Back at Oscar Niemeyer, Master of Curved Concrete.
In San Marco, a geometrical analysis shows that Sansovino’s extended galleries were essential to the favorable musical acoustics at the Doge’s throne. This evidence supports the conclusion that Sansovino constructed the pergoli for the purpose of enhancing the split-choirmusic for his employer, the Doge. Even in the...
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