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So using XDMCP means not only need you run an X server on your windows box, but also you need to run an X server on the *nix box.The X server on windows machine and display manager on *nix box are using XDMCP protocol to communicate with each other.The windows machine running an X server and the *nix box are using X11...
Reflection, a very good terminal emulation and X server, are widely used.Xming is an open source software which provides X server on Windows platform.Xming plus putty can let you run any GUI program from Putty‘s terminal window.Once you start Xming X server on your PC, you can use Putty to connect to the *nix machine...
-x -bash ) then echo "Can‘t execute bash" exit endif exec -bash breaksw default: if ( !-x $SHELL ) then echo "Can‘t execute bash" exit endif exec $SHELL breaksw endsw echo **** Warning: exec bash faile...
vi filename进入vi并读入指定名称的文件(新、旧文件均可)。vi +n filename进入vi并且由文件的第几行开始。vi +filename 进入vi并且由文件的最后一行开始。vi + /word filename 进入vi并且由文件的word这个字开始。vi filename(s) 进入vi并且将各指定文件列入名单内,第一个文件先读入。编辑数个文件(利用vi filename(s))进入vi后)存储及退...
Service script is used to start a service when system booting up.chkconfig is used to install a service script into different runlevels or remove it from certain runlevels.Service script must include at least two comment lines which are instructions to chkconfig.The first line tells chkconfig what runlevels the servic...
find / -name *sysv.First argument is the path to search (recursively ).The second argument is an expression comprised by options.The above example is used to find a file ends with sysv inside the root folder.
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