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To Revive U.S. Steel, Allow Its Transfer To Better Hands.Remember U.S. Steel?Sure, we can shed a brief tear over a Japanese company buying an American icon, but what U.S. Steel needs is not nostalgia but capital and up-to-date technology. Nippon has a shot at providing both and thus reviving an American icon.Much of ...
美国银行Michael Hartnett:“自1787年以来从未发生过……”在经历了一场潮湿的八月份之后,股市陷入了一片“无人之地”的领域,标普指数遭遇了自2月以来的最大单月跌幅(是的,信不信由你,八月份的1.8%跌幅让之前连续五个月的涨幅戛然而止),Bank of America首席投资官迈克尔·哈特内特(Michael Hartnett)最新的研究报告不仅比平时要...
半个世纪来美国商业地产处境从未如此艰难。本月早些时候,全球最大的上市房地产公司之一Brookfield的基金拖欠了主要位于华盛顿的十二栋办公大楼的合计1.614亿美元抵押贷款,这已是其年内被曝出的第二起违约市场,美国商业地产市场摇摇欲坠的景象,显然已令所有人都惴惴不安。商业地产数据平台CRED iQ的报告显示,2023年3月,美国商业抵押贷款支...
A Bigger Picture Look At US Housing Affordability (Or Just How Over-Priced Are American Homes)Going back to the first chart, you also get the answer to another question: How inflated are house prices today compared to how they were prices before the housing bubbles?Going by most observers, there have been two major ho...
Small Business Sales And The Running Of The Bull.Small Business Sales Matter.Usually, small business owners are “optimistic” and believe the future will be better, except during recessionary periods. As shown, expectations for sales, which drives their incomes, plunged to the lowest level since the economic shutdown...
Social Security: Whistling Past The $96 Trillion Graveyard.Social Security has a problem.According to the Social Security Trustees’ annual report (pdf), the Social Security program will be insolvent in 13 years by 2035. At present, the program cannot guarantee full benefits to current retirees. The Social Security Ol...
US Middle Class Is Shutting Down As Spending By The Rich Remains Robust.Picking up on this, Bloomberg’s Felice Maranz writes that the latest earnings and comments from big-bank executives reinforce the view that while spending by lower and middle America may be falling off a cliff, spending by well-off US consumers i...
New home sales get walloped.– by New Deal democrat?New single family home sales got walloped in April, declining -16.6% for the month compared with March, and down -26.9% from…New single family home sales got walloped in April, declining -16.6% for the month compared with March, and down -26.9% from one year ago.But...
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