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Give me a hand!Don''t let me down. 别让我失望。Don''t give me that!Don''t keep me waiting long. 不要让我等得太久。Don''t keep the truth from me. 别瞒着我事实真相。I don''t care where we go as long as we don''t have to stand in line. 不管去哪里,只要不用站着排队就行。A...
Wen: China sticks to stimulative policy
DPRK delegation meets with ROK president
No vacancies on horizon for 12m job seekers
closed 关着的——open adj. 开着的。dangerous 危险的——safe 安全。delight 快乐——sadness 悲哀。empty adj.happiness 幸福——sadness 悲哀。non——smoker 不抽烟的人——smoker 抽烟的人。particular 特别——common 普通的∕ general 一般的∕ordinary 平常的。sadness 悲哀——delight 高兴/happiness 高兴。safe 安全的——dangero...
努力 奋斗
China Daily Vocabulary List ( Chinese-English)
so damn happy to me
One shot in gunfire near Capitol Hill
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