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The process has a state machine nature.Real life processes can have multiple concurrent paths of execution, whereas a traditional state machine only has one.To illustrate further the difference between process concurrency and java concurrency, let''s look at the synchronization needed on the level of the workf...
Wether software development though a programming language like Java or wether it is developed through processes in an executable process language doesn''t change the fact that a translation has to be made from the analysis over software requirements to an executable software model.First of all because other pr...
2.3. 流程操作 流程操作指所支持的对于流程环节的操作,如启动流程、终止流程、挂起流程、直流、分流(单人办理)、并流(多人同时办理)、联审等,象这些流程操作都是可直接基于引擎所提供的环节调度算法来直接支持的,而在实际的需求中,通常需要自由的对于流程进行干涉,如取回、回退、跳转、追加、传阅、传阅办理 等,而这些流程操作对于工作流...
什么是工作流引擎(Workflow Engine )什么是工作流引擎(Workflow Engine )工作流自动化的主要成分工作流自动化如今成了管理的一句时髦话。比如流程设计相当于编程,模型相当于程序,流程实例相当于进程,流程分支相当于线程,操作系统要对进程和线程进行调度,工作流引擎要对流程实例和分支进行调度,操作系统和工作流系统都应该对内存进行...
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