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SpyNet360.comThe Profumo Affair.Profumo''s affair with Keeler continued while she was also having affairs with Yevgeni Ivanov, who worked as a naval attache at the Soviet Union embassy, not to mention her affair with drug dealer Johnny Edgecombe.The head of MI5 felt strongly enough about the affair to speak di...
Alexandr Ogorodnik – the reluctant spy ?SpyN...Alexandr Ogorodnik -the reluctant spy.In 1973, Soviet Diplomat Aleksandr Ogorodnik was blackmailed into spying for the CIA, who knew that he had a pregnant mistress.Do you think it was morally acceptable for the CIA to have blackmailed Soviets into spying?
Herbert Boeckenhaupt’s secret writing ?SpyNe...ver the past 100+ years, mechanical, electrical and digital devices and technology have taken espionage to new heights.Herbert Boeckenhaupt''s secret writing.His tactics were often to use secret writing.After Boeckenhaupt''s arrest in 1966, law enforcemen...
United States Intelligence CommunityUnited States Intelligence CommunityFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search United States Intelligence Community seal.Since the definitions of the NIP and MIP overlap when they address military intelligence, assignment of Department of Defense intelligence a...
Michael I. HandelMichael I. Handel."Michael I. Handel is Professor of National Security and Strategy at the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, and joint founding editor with Christopher Andrew of [the journal] Intelligence and National Security.Handel, Michael I. "Intelligence and Milita...
知胜网 - 孙子兵法网 齐鲁兵典 百将书兵法 孙子 兵法 孙子兵法 新闻 兵学 旅游 文化...理论体系的构建体现着理论家对客观规律的认识的对应性提炼,《孙子兵法》以"计"始,以"用间"终,反映了孙武对战争规律的正确认识,也使得有关"知"的理论思考,在《孙子兵法》中具有一种维系整个理论体系结构的纲维作用。四 ...
追忆冷兵器时代 - 中国历史 - 铁血历史论坛 - 铁血社区人类的战争主要有三个阶段:人类与野兽之间的战争,冷兵器作战时代,热兵器作战时代。人类的文明史,大多数时间是冷兵器作战的历史,一直延续到工业革命时期,利用枪炮等武器不紧密接触便可大规模杀伤敌人时,热兵器时代才来临。这些历史足以说明,热兵器时代下,装备先进火器的军队,在和...
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