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How to use Latex in Blogger.<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js">MathJax.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax:...
bibtex 错误, You''re missing an entry type---line 4 of .......Database file #1:0C__Users_jcredberry_Desktop_Doctorado_Fuzzy_ArtYculo_proyecto.bibYou''re missing an entry type---line 7 of file.I''m skipping whatever remains of this entry就是编译文件通不过。然后,把原来的bib文件,在texStudio里,...
Roman numerals in LatexRoman numerals in LatexOk, we have to admit that it is not easy to input roman numerals in Latex.Then in the document part, \rmnum{num} is used to input the roman numeral of num, \Rmnum is for the uppercase.If only lowercase roman numerals are occasionally used, \romannumeralnum can do it.
Bibtex Error今天遇到了2钟bibtex的错误。或者,我们可以在terminal中运行: 1) pdflatex main.tex 2) bibtex main.aux (main.tex是主文件夹)来查看显示在terminal上的错误提示。今天遇到的两钟错误分别是:1:Too many commas in name 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~这个的原因是: bibtex 太聪明了。UTF to UTF Conversionhtt...
Latexmk: Citation ''XXX'' on page YY undefined.When I compile my document using latexmk.pl I get warning for every citation:The citation appears in the References at the end of the document, but at the place of \cite only the (?The document is divided into many files in different directories, but same ...
Latex: add figure to caption.I would like to know how I can add a figure to the caption of a figure.ht] \centerline{\includegraphics{results.pdf}}\caption{Caption, \includegraphics{arrow.pdf} caption.}\label{fig:01}\end{figure*}ht] \centerline{\includegraphics{results.pdf}} \caption{Caption, \protect\includegraphics{a...
latex 双引号如题:解决办法是用两个单引号。
latex中,如何定义definition 和theorem,From link:http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Theorems.但,由于,这个包已经在amsmath中包含了,故而只包含amsmath就够了。然后,在preamble中定义, 就是在usepackage后面,定义。\newtheorem{myDef}{Definition}\newtheorem{myTheo}{Theorem}然后,在下面,就可以用: \begin{myDef} 这里的文...
LaTeX技巧530:每一章开始的header引用名言应该怎么做?看到很多论文的每一章开始的右上角都有一段名人名言, 我试验了很多次一直都搞不清楚是怎么搞?\chapter{章节名言}\epigraph{代沟就是--我问老爸:``你觉得《菊花台》怎么样?''''}{小沈阳}\epigraphhead[80]{\epigraph{下辈子我一定投胎做一个女人,然后嫁一个我这样的...
Fixing "font not embedded" issue to pass the IEEE PDF eXpress checkFixing "font not embedded" issue to pass the IEEE PDF eXpress checkWe recently had to make the format of a paper complaint with the IEEE PDF eXpressformat.Before that, I work on Ubuntu 9.04, kile 2.1 (the IDE),use the tools latex, b...
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