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不要为自己找借口 来自美国海军陆战队的女性领导力法则。不求完美,果断决策  当领导者就要做决策,但是很多人都遇到过在应该决策的时候犹豫不决的情况,其中尤以女性为甚—当自己的选择会影响到他人时,她们就不敢相信自己的直觉。不是每个女性都会在这种情况下哭泣,但是面对压力,女性比男性更喜欢流泪。当女性领导者不能控制自己的情绪时...
Travel quote: Lao Tzu "A good traveler has no fixed plansand is not intent on arriving."
LaoTzu said: Tao engenders 1,1 engenders 2, 2 engenders 3, and 3 engenders everything. Here, all 1,2 and 3 have profund meanings.The 1 stands for the chaos and the 2 is Yin and Yang and the 3 is the time.Everything originates from the ...
世界顶级博客的47个博客技巧。写在前面的话:这是一篇关于博客技巧的翻译文章,不过有些地方翻译的有些含糊不清,如果有不明白或容易产生误解的地方,建议参照原文地址(需要代理才能访问)。最终,你将找到你所喜欢的自己的声音和风格,如果你写的东西有趣又或逗乐,那么你会有越来越多的读者。● 定期发布日记,找到你所感兴趣的题目,持续跟...
The right kind of followership (懂得如何跟随)Average performers believe that followership means showing managers and co-workers that they know how to toe the line, take orders without question, and not threaten the leader.Star followers support the leader by alerting him or her to trouble spots, by serving as a though...
The right kind of followership (懂得如何跟随)Average performers believe that followership means showing managers and co-workers that they know how to toe the line, take orders without question, and not threaten the leader.Star followers support the leader by alerting him or her to trouble spots, by serving as a though...
Followership: A workshop with Joan Oliver GoldsmithSaturday, November 5, 3:30 p.m. at FMUU.Through presentation, participative exercises and discussion, we will explore what constitutes great followership, and how to instill it in any organization, whether you have the title of leader or follower.Great followers insis...
In the field of leadership and management we are being constantly bombarded by new fads, some useful and some not so useful.In recent years we have seen charismatic leadership, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, level five leadership, emotional intelligence (EQ) and now spirituality.How far have we...
Conceptions of leadership in Traditional Chinese Medicine by the Chinese people in Macau and Hong KongBig Leung, AustraliaProfessor Rod Gerber, Australia.The purpose of this research is to investigate the qualitative different conceptions of leadership in Traditional Chinese Medicine.Conceptions of leaderships in TCM ...
The Best Leadership Movies of All Time.(Other movies about leadership at it’s worst—here’s how not to lead.)The Second Chance - Michael W. Smith in a surprisingly good role as a bad leader (submitted by Keith Drury)Cool Hand Luke - How leaders "pay the price" for others and can be trapped by their own ima...
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