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开放大学在新世纪面临的挑战作者:John Daniel 主题类号:G4/高等教育。【 文献号 】1-394【原文出处】中国远程教育【原刊地名】京【原刊期号】200101【原刊页号】10~14【分 类 号】G4【分 类 名】高等教育【复印期号】200104【 标 题 】开放大学在新世纪面临的挑战【 作 者 】John Daniel【作者简介】John Daniel,[英] john Daniel爵士自19...
Whatdoes a high quality online course look like?Course offers ample opportunities for interaction and communication student to student, student to instructor and student to content.Course has multiple timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of delivery.Instructor offer...
Building e-tivities- key principles1.Divide the e-tivity up into bite sizedchunks -no more than 2 or 3 weeks' work for a complete e-tivity, less if you can.If you offer more than one e-tivity at a time, build them together in a coherent wayto create a 'programme'.If you cannot see the way to make working t...
(Bischof,2000) 对于在线讨论中的"旁观者',该如何处理?Salmon (2000) 则提出了如下建议1.检查一下,着看是不是所有的人都知道怎样提交和答复信息;2.给参与者足够的时间适应在线的学习环境,不要强迫他们提交答复;3.检查交互区域是不是自由开放的;4.不要轻易责备人;5.检查是不是有人控制着讨论,如果有,巧妙地处理这一问题,建立一...
The 5 stage model.At stage five, participants look for more benefits from thesystem to help them achieve personal goals, explore how tointegrate CMC into other forms of learning and reflect onthe learning processes.After stage two, the numbers of otherswith whom they interact, and the frequency, gradually increases,al...
Salmon (2000) has developed a model for e-moderators that demarcates the progression of tasks that the online teacher moves through in the process of effectively moderating an online course.In the second stage, Salmon suggests that the emoderator continues to develop online socialization by "building bridges betw...
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