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3.Are those prices FOB or CIF?这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?4.Are these prices wholesale or retail?这些价格是批发价还是零售价?6.Oh, no, this is the lowest price.7.Let us have your rock-bottom price.8.What’s the price range?价格范围是多少?10.The price is quite reasonable.这价格相当合理。
Hayley教口语,“急得团团转”用英语怎么说?in a spin.spin作动词名词都是晕眩,旋转的意思,比方说地球旋转。The earth spins on its axis.in a spin则指人因为担心或者过度烦恼而心乱。She''''''''s in a spin over the arrangements for the party.News of the director''''''...
有年代的弱智感,笑死!奇葩问题和扯淡回复系列!———— 每日学英语 ————。可以在线查词、翻译、学习精彩英语短句、搜索大量英语学习资料。点点点,赞和在看都在这儿!
干货 | 各种形状的英语词汇汇总(附视频)把实物图片、英语单词和单词发音紧密联系起来,这样学英语更加直观形象。同时,多看此类视频还能帮助你更容易在脑中直接形成意象,跳过翻译成中文的过程,逐步培养英语思维。各种形状的英语词汇汇总。———— 每日学英语 ————。可以在线查词、翻译、学习精彩英语短句、搜索大量英语学习资料。
记住:“等红灯”可不是'' wait the red light''!A yellow - or amber - light means the red light is about to appear.Red light.Wait until the light changes to green and the intersection is clear before moving through it.wait for the red light≠等红灯。wait for the red light to change 等红灯。wait for the...
Hayley教口语,“让他好看”用英语怎么说?knock sb''''''''s block off.If you say that you will knock someone''''''''s block off, you are threatening to hit them very hard, especially on the head.I''''''''ll knock his block of...
我的生活凑合凑合总能过...敷衍学十级学者日常!The Internet is full of of tips, but not all of them are uselful.网上有很多实用小妙招,但并不是所有的都有用。我们发现了一些生活小妙招,虽然不实用,但绝对能让你微笑。———— 每日学英语 ————。可以在线查词、翻译、学习精彩英语短句、搜索大量英语学习资料。
坚持每天读一遍,英语口语绝对棒!a piece of one s mind .blow one s own trumpet 自吹自擂。born with a silver in one s mouth 出生在富贵人家。He is born with a silver in one s mouth.cats got one s tongue 哑口无言。on one s word of honor 以某人的人格担保。You are playing with the fire and you must pay the poice one day...
“三个人”到底是three people还是three persons?There was a time in history when it was put forward that grammatically, persons should be the preferred plural any time more than one person was referred to as a countable noun, and people should be preferred for uncountable nouns.The plural of person should be people in ...
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