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欧美影视金曲 第123期:You are My Angel 你就是我的天使。Once upon a time, an angel in the sky made comfort every night.从前,天空中有一位天使,每晚都来安慰我。Once upon a time, the angel loved me so.从前,有一位天使深爱着我。My dear, you are my angel.亲爱的,你就是我的天使。Once upon a time, my angel gave me life.
欧美影视金曲 第124期:For the Dancing and the Dreaming 一起跳舞一起唱歌。No scorching sun or freezing cold will stop me on my journey, if you will promise me your heart and love me for eternity.My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me.To love, to kiss, to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dream...
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