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I looked at the drawing on the kitchen wall, sketched by my grandfather’s hand so many years before. The picture became distorted as tears filled my eyes. “You are my Joy. I love you with my life.” I murmured quietly. The young woman in the drawing sat on her park bench and with twinkling eyes smiled broadly at me,...
“I wonder what else has been left behind,” I said out loud to no one in particular. My husband heard me and joined the search for things left behind.“When I call my children to tell them what they have left behind I am usually told, “Oh, just bring it when you come,” “Keep it for me until I come back the next ti...
Before I ever began each writing session, I would close my eyes for 10 minutes and end my meditation whispering, “Please grant me the words to touch just one person’s life.”Thanks to them, I would come to the realization that the greatest of lives are made all in the same way: One challenge... one hurdle... one ste...
Things aren''t always what they seem.年轻的天使非常愤怒,他质问 年长的天使为什么会这样,第一个家庭什么都有,为什么还帮助他们修补墙洞,第二个家庭尽管如此贫穷还是热情款待客人,而他却没有阻止奶牛的死亡。''Things aren''t always what they seem,'' the older angel replied. ''When we st...
双语美句:所有的结局都是新的开始,只是当时不知道。11、A boy will make you think he loves you, but he really doesn''t. A girl will make you think she doesn''t love you, when she really does.19、A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile.24、A boy will make you think he loves yo...
No one is irreplaceable.Almost no one reaches theirs.3. ''Unless you''re the lead dog in the sled, the view never changes.''4. ''The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one.'' (Original to Ernest Hemingway.)It''s never as cold, or as bad, as you think.The Black ...
作为女人,你必须精致 “ 作为女人 你必须精致 ”我的房东莎琳娜太太是一个很苛刻的中年女人。我非常讨厌莎琳娜这种所谓的英伦女人的尊严,但所有人都说,莎琳娜是最好的寄宿房东。我发现莎琳娜教了我许多同样有用的东西:零点之前睡觉能让我第二天精神充足,穿戴整洁美观能让别人首先尊重我,穿高跟鞋和使用口红使我得到了更多绅士的帮助,我...
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