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Falling success at the last stage.Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:Falling short of success at the last stage.Once a man planned to build a terrace.When the mound was almost completed and only one more basket of earth was needed, the man gave up.终于当山快要建成的时候,几乎只差最后一篮子的泥土就行了的时候,他放弃了。
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:Supplementing each other.Another man bragged about his arrow: “Thereis no arrow better than mine. It doesn’t need any bow!”He said: “You are both wrong. Onecannot shoot an arrow without a bow; and without an arrow, how can one hit thetarget?”Now they understood: A bow won’t do withoutan ...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:Dais’ actionion - earthhomeo - Master Osifu English" style="max-width: 650px;" src="http://img2.ph.126.net/Dwm6nRzWOHZDKkywDsaRNg==/6631441599658186358.jpg">Master0sifu Fable 寓言:Dais’action.When they advanced, no one dared to advancerashly.When they went into a...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:The neighbour and the snake.Master0sifu Fable 寓言:The neighbourand the snake.A snake, having made his hole close to thedoor of a cottage, inflicted a sever bite on the cottager’s little son. So thechild died.第二天,当蛇出洞觅食之时,他举起斧头就砍那条蛇。过了一阵子,屋主很害怕那条蛇会以牙...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:The Man Selling the Idol.Master0sifu Fable 寓言:The ManSelling the Idol.One man says to the seller, “Hello, My friend, if this is so,you should have the advantages that the idol can bring, why do you want to sellit?” The seller says, “What I want is that I can get cash in at once. Theprofi...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:Little boy and scorpion son Master0sifu Fable 寓言:Little boyand scorpion son.Suddenly see ascorpion son, he thinks it is also grasshopper, Then two go to catch him.The scorpion son raises his poison to stab,say: “come, if you really dare to...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:The fox without a tail.Master0sifu Fable 寓言:The foxwithout a tail.A fox''s tail was caught in a trap.一只狐狸的尾巴被夹住了,当他试着脱身的时候,挣断了整条尾巴。When they had gotten together, the fox saidthat they should all do away with their tails.大家到齐后,他极力劝说其他狐狸也...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:With leather damaged, how couldthe furs exist? Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:With leather damaged, how couldthe furs exist?Once on his outing trip, Wei Wenhou saw afarmer waking with a buddle of firewood on his back and wearing his fur-linedjacket inside out."Don''t you know that ...
Master 0sifu Fable 寓言:The real mother and the stepmother.Master0sifu Fable 寓言:The real mother and the stepmother.When the mother was treating his son''stumefaction on his head, there was a lot of blood coming down from the top ofher son''s head to the neck, forming a cruel scene.If a stepmother h...
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