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ClearCase是一种配置管理工具,由Rational公司开发,是开发小组用来跟踪、管理软件开发过程各个工件的配置管理系统, ClearCase可以协助开发组织更好地管理软件开发进程。ClearCase包括两套:ClearCase LT和ClearCase (MultiSite)。以上一节提供的数据为例,ClearCase管理员需要在ClearCase服务器上生成一个用户组CLEARCASE_USERS,然后产生要...
--i){ //check that this begins with <span if(newTextElements[i]. indexOf("<span")>-1){ //get the span name - sits // between the 1st and 2nd quote mark //Make sure your spans are in the format //<span id="someName">NewContent</span> startNamePos=newTextElements[i]. indexOf(‘&q...
AJAX sample after AJAX call.Don‘t Just Sit ThereIf you wish to stop reading here (and skip the explanation of how this works) then here is all you need to do to convert your Struts application to a Struts-AJAX application in a similar manner: Include the Ajax.js JavaScript file on your web page (this file is part of ...
The Struts framework then calls the Struts Action that then processes the request (e.g., saves the data to a database).A simple Struts application demonstrating this flow of events can be downloaded here: struts-non-ajax.zip.The struts-config.xml file is set up to redirect all requests to http://localhost:8080/struts-...
This can also increase JVM抯 GC overhead. The server instances in a cluster form replication pairs. So if the primary server which the sessions is stuck to fails, the load balancer can send all failover requests to the backup server. The backup server will see doubling in incoming requests after the primary fails and ...
The emergence of heterogeneous transportable tablespaces and oracle data pump are testimonies to this fact and would be described later in this paper.It is impossible to transport a tablespace from an NT oracle database to an HP-UX oracle database.It is only the set of tablespaces that have no references from within t...
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