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Making a Change Feel NormalMaking a Change Feel Normalby TrentA long time ago, I wrote about the idea of a money free weekend - two days spent doing stuff that''s free or extremely close to it.They both strongly encouraged me to change my diet above all else, giving me one simple mandate: eat plants.First, a r...
Some Thoughts on DINKs (Dual Income, No Kids)Some Thoughts on DINKs (Dual Income, No Kids) A couple weeks ago, I posted some links to a discussion concerning whether it was smart or selfish to not have children, as well as a response to that issue.For me, the price of being a parent is one I''m willing to pay...
Introduction to Numerology: The Magic of NumbersWhat is Your Magic Number?Find your own mystic numberTo find the mystic number of one''s own name in numerology, you must provide the check sum of the name.The importance of different names and numbers in numerology 1 stands for strength.In numerology, this numbe...
Jimmy‘s quest for high-rise honey.Jimmy was sat beside me watching intently, desperately trying to absorb the technique this local honey hunter was using - for tomorrow it would be his turn up the ladder.The honey hunter held a long pole, which he was using as a simple cutting tool to slice through the brood comb, a ...
东北三省 东北人在关内人心目中,往往是一体的,在全国各个大区的人群中,东北人的地域认同感也最强,他们的性格上有诸多相似之处,这里也就把他们放在一起来谈。东北天寒地冻,古为北方游牧民族所居,地广人稀,近代大批关内移民进入,逐渐开发。闯关东者多为山东河北等地农民,尤以山东人为多。因此,有人说“东北是山东的殖民地”。东北的...
导演张元等人涉嫌吸毒被刑拘。光明网北京1月10日电 记者董城从北京电视台《法治进行时》栏目组获悉,9日凌晨,根据群众举报,北京警方突击检查了北京一家音乐制作公司和一处住宅。据了解,当民警来到被举报公司时,在电影《寻枪》、《理发师》等作品中担任摄影的谢征宇正在吸食毒品,该公司负责人武刚在回答民警询问时表示,该公司办公场所内...
相信自己是一只雄鹰 - 06-Aug-07相信自己是一只雄鹰 一个人在高山之巅的鹰巢里,捉到了一只幼鹰,他把幼鹰带回家,养在鸡笼里。这只幼鹰和鸡在一起啄食、嬉闹和休息,它以为自己是一只鸡。这只鹰长大,羽翼丰满了,主人想把它训练成猎鹰,可是由于终日和鸡混在一起,它已经变得和鸡完全一样,根本没有飞的愿望了。主人试了各种方法,都毫无...
领导的"脑筋急转弯"你向领导请示某件事情,领导说:"你看着办吧。A:看着原则办 B:看着领导的喜好办。你找领导,领导说:"你的事情啊,我们还正在研究。你写工作总结,领导说:"这个数字有点问题吧?领导写了一幅字,领导说:"你给提提意见好吗?A:对不起领导,我看不懂 B:真是力透纸背啊。你给领导送礼,领...
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