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The analysis of a picture of wild tigers.Also, the words on the leftgive a warning that the wild tigers are killed by more than a dozen enemies, leadingus to a fact that the wild tigers are in danger!People who notice it will be shocked greatlybecause the amount of the wild tigers decreases so quickly that in 2012, it...
No trading,no killingHere is a public welfare advertisement, a kind of the media messages,which is named "the killer family".There is no doubt that the advertisement is created by those who suppose human to protect wild animals and never kill them,revealing a purpose--"no trading,no killing".
My understanding of Media Literacy Nowadays,with the development of the world, a new concept named "Media Literacy" appears in our life.When it comes to the media literacy,first of all,as far as I''m concerned,it''s the ability of collecting media messages,analysing and dealing with them.S...
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