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My Analysis Of An Action Movie Poster When we talk about action movies , people may think of hot blood , fights , justice and so on .Thus , an action movie poster tend to use these ingredients in order to match the theme in a great sense.Obviously , frontal angle of horizontal angle is used in this poster .
My Analysis Of The Advertisement What I see at first in the image is that a beautiful and sexy young lady wearing her lustrous cascades of hair.It means that we usually focus on the lady and her exaggeratedand enviable hair in the beginning when seeing the image.
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection The public service advertisement,called the killer''s family,shows us that a girl''s parents and grandparents kill different animals due to their selfishness.This public service advertisement must be construted by defenders of animal...
My Understanding of Media LiteracyPersonally,media literacy is how we access,understand,appugn and create media message.Thirdly,people who really have media literacy are capable of making new media message exist.For another thing,with the development of people''s media literacy,our society will tend to be civi...
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