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My analysis of poster As we can see,there is a beautiful women in this picture.Beside the people,there are some makeups.Let us pay more attendion to this women.she has a smooth,blonde face which many people want have.It is makeups that make the women looks beautiful.It make this women look more beautiful.
My analysis of a poster As we know,It is a great film.This is the best way to identify and distinguish a movie on the movie poster.At the back of main characters,there is city at night which is very beautiful.The beautiful city is backguound of this poster.On my opinion,the poster was successful,I was attracted b...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal ProtectionMy Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection There are a plant of ways to attract beautiful,invite her eat shark''s fin,just it''s not wonderful.What the advertisement''s words appeal us to portect animal...
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