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Good Pies,Good Friends.little boys rushed into the bus,while the old lady walked on the bus slowly.empty seat in the bus,2 little boys ran to the seat,kept saying that the seat is his and refused to.Picture 4 and 5 is presented from the little boys’ view,audience can feel the old lady’s.The old lady gave 2 little bo...
The Death of Mara The Death of Mara is a world-wide famous picture which is drawn by popular French artist Jacques Loouis David for memorizing Jean-Paul Marat.In terms of glorifying Marat,the elements in the picture are placed along the vertical axis,which means although they basic on the truth,the picture has less...
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My Understanding of Media Literacy Midea Literacy is a word that becomes more and more siginicant with science technology''s development nowadays.Since media literacy is quite necessary,the education of it is important and beneficial.In a world,the education will help me govern the media instead governed by ...
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