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A Simple Analysis of Nescafe The picture is a commercial advertisement of Nescafe,which is designed in the shape of a heart ,sing red color to attract audience.When it comes to the angel of the ad,it is in close shot that we can clearly see the face of the spokeswoman who is holding a cup of coffee,enjoying the taste...
My Analysis of an Impressive Poster Nowadays,parents always have full-time jobs that they seem to have little gathering time with their children,causing children''s lack of care and a sense of security.The public service poster above reflects such a phenomenon.From the poster,we can clearly see that a little b...
My Uderstanding about Media LiteracyIn today''s English class,our teacher gave us some information about media literacy,which I have never known about.Media literacy has many aspects,including critical thinking,media technologies ,the means of spread and so on.When it comes to the fuctions of media literacy,it...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal ProtectionThe public service advertisement published by WWT left a deep impression on me,which can draw our attention on animal protection.With such effective comparisons,the public service advertisement achieves its goal and touches the hearts of individuals.
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