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The Analysis of poster about Pepsi Cola As we all know,many people like to drink Pepsi Cola.Look at the poster,we can know this poster of the aim is to sell the Pepsi cola.At last,the slogans in this poster can attract people,and in this poster,the people show the Pepsi Cola to the audience,it make people learn mo...
The Analysis of This Advertisement This is a public service advertisement.
My Analysis of an Pubil Service Advertisement on Animal Protection Wild animal now facing extremely dangerous situation,so the emergence of pubil service advertisements on animal protection are various.The pubil service advertising Li Bingbing protection vbild animal left a deep impression on me.This shows the purpos...
My Understanding of Media Literacy In my opinion,media literacy includes audience use of media resources,media resources use motivation and attitudes,use of media resource and effective degree of media criticism capacity ect.The media literacy education which make me know the media ethice,make me learn about media k...
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