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my analysis of an advertisement.Besides, the sentence "If we could turn back the clock, what would you do for them? "like a call, tells us that though we can''t get the losing animals again, we can do something to protect animals left from now on to prevent them to die out.
The Analysis of a Magazine Cover.The picture is one of magazine covers of WIRED, a famous Americanmagazine about network and electronic.As we can see, the theme of this magazine is “THE FUTURE THAT NEVERHAPPENED”. It implies that with the progress of our technology, we can gethardly all unbelievable things, such as ...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection The advertisement I choose is about to call on everyone to protect sharks and not to take their fins anymore.All in all , the main purpose of this public service advertisement is to join the orgnization named GCRES to protect animals more effetiv...
My Understanding of Media Literacy Several years recently , with the emergency of more and more media , the words , Media Literacy , occurs and is spreading .Only that one could clarify the black and white of the imformation from the media , can he or she enjoy more from the media services .Therefore , it''s...
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