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The analysis of horror movie poster.So a good horror movie poster usually express the feeling of terror.In this horror movie poster,the main image is a face of boy,who has a white face and eyes were fulled of blood.In short,the choice of lllustration is important and a good movie poster can express the horrible feelin...
The Analysis Of Image This image is about advocate people green commuting and keep a low-carbon living.The green bicycle convey an information about bicycle is a way of green commuting and butterflies ,notes and flower which are symbols of happly and low-carbon livingare parts of the green bicycle.
The Analytical content About First Advertisement.At that time,the waiter take soup to MaggieQ. After she open the cover ,her smile disappear and said shark''s fin is not a date selection.What a wonderful presentation,nobody konw it isa public service advertisement about protect wildlife until she said sh...
Understand Of Media LiteracyUnderstand Of Media Literacy In an informationalized community,some people may think media literacy is about how to get or evaluate news.SoI want to learn how to recognize fake news from media literacy education.If everyone learn well at media literacy education,fake news will disappear,S...
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