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The analysis of the posters of Pepsi-Cola.As we all know, the color of Pepsi-Cola’spacking is blue, for which we can think that blue represent Pepsi-Color. What’smore, blue is a kind of color which can attract people at the first time.Sometimes the Pepsi-Cola appear alone but sometimes it will be held by people. So ...
The most attracting part in the picture is the beautiful womanwith a black straight hair, which makes people believe that if they use thisshampoo, they would also get the beautiful hair.In addition, on the left of the picture, there is the theory ofthis shampoo why it can make the hair become straight and black, which...
My understanding of Media Literacy Today,a large number of people have a discussion on Media Literacy.As a matter of fact,different people have different understanding of Media Literacy.In my opinion,Media Literacy is the ability ofresolving when we are faced with media.So Media Literacy is not only the ability for...
My analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection The public service advertisement for protecting sharks is shoot by WildAid.The last thing the man gives the woman is a bowl of fin soup,for which the woman is angry and leaves.In addition,the word that no business,no killed can really shock the audi...
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