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The analysis of the shaver advertisement.When we see the picture inthe first time, we are bound to see a monkey in the left side and a man inright side.The image describes a monkey that uses the shaver to shave his hair become aman in only 5 minutes.To sum up, the image wants to tell us that the shaver is good, which ...
the analysis of the poster of the Disney movie dinosaur.Thesubject of poster image is a dinosaur eye, which showing dinosaurs living, andit depicts a structure.A dinosaur eye reflects apicture that many various dinosaurs living in the world, which reveals thetheme of the film.The reflection of the dinosaur eye connect...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection This advertisement is mainly about refusing to eat shark fin products, which can protect sharks and it is made by WildAid.
My Understanding of Media Literacy As far as I am concerned, the so-called media literacy refers to the ability to correctly access to the media materials, make full use of the media materials and make ourselves as well as our society better.First of all, I reckon that the motivation that we use of the media materi...
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