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The analysis of the poster of A Better Tomorrow.A part ofreason is it has an excellent poster that can attract most of person''s eyeballwhen they see the poster.Besiders,the four big white characters——"英雄本色" emphasize this movie''stheme.What most shock us is the poster''s head...
My analysis of commercial advertisement.When it comes to commercial advertisement,we have nochoice but to link it to commercial profit.From theimage,we can see Yao Ming takes the basketball in his right hand.This advertisement chooses Yao Ming asthe spokesperson,which makes full use of the fact of Yao Ming as a famous...
An analysis of an public service advertisement on animal protectionAfter the advertisement,we can learn that a girl''s family buy the product of wild animals in order to achieve they desire,as a result,more and more wild animals were killed.Although the girl''s family didn''t kill the wild anim...
My Understanding of Media LiteraryThe media literacy is the ability of access,understanding and product the media information in the various situation.The media literacy is defferent from the professonal media education,which is face to the professionals of media.The media literacy is face to all citizens.we need to d...
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