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同时其移动网络业务覆盖欧洲其他国家,如德国和比利时等Telefónica 西班牙电信公司:西班牙的一家大型跨国电信公司,主要在西班牙本国和拉丁美洲运营,是世界上最大的固定线路和移动电信公司之一Yoigo:http://tech.sina.com.cn/t/2012-07-12/10277380140.shtmlTeliaSonera 桑瑞拉电信公司:北欧和波罗的海地区跨国通讯巨头AT&T 美国...
Americans have long resorted to summer camps.Their purpose, says Camp Energy’s founder, Barry Grinham, is “to ease the pain of parenting”. Their main competitor, says Justine Longford of Super Camps, is free child care from the extended family. Mr Grinham notes that many parents book at the last minute, after relat...
Fishing in Chile Net profits 智利的渔业 “网中”利润[2011.08.11] Fishing in Chile: Net profits 智利的渔业 “网中”利润 【导读】智利狭长的海岸线为渔业提供了“地利”,但近年来,由于过度捕捞,海洋资源储量下降。对此,智利政府采取了一系列措施,拯救危机重重的渔业。野蛮的过度捕捞期过后,智利在2001年制定了一套配额体系,以助渔...
The laws of the city 城市定律[2012.06.23] The laws of the city 城市定律 Urban research城市研究The laws of the city城市定律A deluge of data makes cities laboratories for those seeking to run them better数据滚滚而来,各城市数据实验室正在研究如何利用好这些数据。在葡萄牙,如果一座城市的规模是另一座城市的两倍,则这座城市...
Non-news is good news 没有消息就是好消息[2012.06.09] Non-news is good news 没有消息就是好消息 面对来势汹汹的互联网,传统杂志如何接招?Hard news is perhaps the hardest to make profitable.Hearst Magazines(一家美国大型出版商)的老总David Carey说道,最重要的是它们代表这不同的志向:“他们在启发人们梦想这一方面的确做的很...
How the Electric, Self-Driving Miracle Car Will Change Your LifeHow the Electric, Self-Driving Miracle Car Will Change Your LifeAnd save the world.In short, self-drive technology offers the promise of electric vehicles with economic and functional viability even in the absence of major technological improvements.
Airlines in ex-Yugoslavia Balkan unity 巴尔干地区的联營?[2012.5.19] Airlines in ex-Yugoslavia: Balkan unity?Bosnia’s B&H airlines has only one functioning plane. Kosovo, with a large diaspora, has no domestic airline. And Macedonia’s MAT went bust in 2010.黑山航空公司的老板Zoran Djurisic说,在南斯拉夫解体之前,...
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