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#include <libff/common/default_types/ec_pp.hpp>#include <libsnark/common/default_types/r1cs_gg_ppzksnark_pp.hpp>#include <libsnark/relations/constraint_satisfaction_problems/r1cs/examples/r1cs_examples.hpp>#include <libsnark/zk_proof_systems/ppzksnark/r1cs_gg_ppzksnark/r1cs_gg_ppzksnark.hpp>usi...
引介 | 扩展区块链:ZK.简介 ZK-Rollup 的基本属性,包括 ZK-Rollup 如何实现可扩展性、简洁的可验证性和数据可用性(“我们不需要在数据上形成共识,只需要保证数据总是公开可得。”)。介绍 ZK-Rollup 的状态转换方式以及交易的构成。这一部分介绍了用来表示状态的默克尔树(稀疏默克尔树)与常用默克尔树的不同,解释了在稀疏默克尔树模式下...
Let’s illustrate it with the help of Bob and Alice who got some chocolate bars for Halloween.We know that Bob’s bag contains 20 chocolate bars and Alice’s?—?30 chocolate bars. By opening the box and finding the piece of paper with a “minus” on it, Bob learns that he and Alice have different amount of candy. But ...
金色观察 | 你也能拥有自己的顶级域名了 Handshake了解一下 金色财经。基于该区块链的域名将会注册在区块链中,而HNS代币可以用来转移、注册和更新域名。2月3日,Handshake主网启动,矿工们开始挖Handshake代币HNS,可以在Namebase Pro交易,但域名转移,竞标域名等功能尚未开启。按照Handshake协议,任何人都可以注册成为顶级域名,然后成为域...
Creary.KILLER DAPPS: The Best Decentralized Alternatives To Conventional Networks.DApps are decentralized applications that use ‘blockchain’ to allow users to directly relate to each other and close agreements without a central entity managing the service.Decentralized applications are distributed Internet applicati...
Security aspects.Shared security。Imagine not two, but one hundred interconnected chains with individual levels of security exchanging value.The chain with the weakest security will ultimately define the security of the overall system, representing the weakest link.It is therefore preferable to have the same security ...
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