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In school, the young Edison''s mind often wandered, and his teacher the Reverend Engle was overheard calling him "addled." This ended Edison''s three months of official schooling.Thomas Edison began his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey, with the automatic repeater and his other imp...
┃┃ 恋爱婚姻司 颁发┃┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^┏☆━━━━ Iしovのyou━━━━☆┓☆就向流星許個心願☆對你說声我愛伱 ☆┃*^o^*☆*^o^*☆*^o^*☆*^o^*☆*^o^*┃┗☆━━━━ Iしovのyou━━━━☆┛^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~☆---~☆ō☆~--~l☆ve-...
25》 有种惦记,疏淡,却很甘甜 有种问候,平常,却很温暖 有种信任,无言,却最真切 有种友谊,清澈,但很长远 真诚问候 爱心永存 健康平安 幸福快乐! 26》 生命中有你的影子我很开心, 博客里有你的足迹我很满足, 朋友中有你的名字我很骄傲, 看到你的留言我很感动, 感谢生活,感谢生命,感谢你, 有你做我的朋友,我会无比珍惜! 你的每一份关怀都...
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