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How Thomas Hoving Created the Museum Blockbuster.This year’s forced resignation of Thomas Campbell, de Montebello’s short-tenured successor, stemmed in large part from his overambitious plan to build a new wing for modern and contemporary art, which threatened to strain the museum’s finances. Contributing to the pr...
Why Museum Blockbuster Shows Are a Good Thing | TIME.com.Shows like that are fine and, when they’re done right, really absorbing. But as far as historical education goes, museums are just about the only real schoolrooms we have anymore, and museums that don’t regularly revisit the “familiar” chapters of that histo...
牛妈万字长文分享:两个儿子是如何申请到Phillips Academy Andover的MIT申请表中,有专门的一项,是要求填写“是否参加了AMC竞赛,是否参加了USAMO的比赛,何时参加以及成绩如何”。而参加过AMC 8、10、12,一直到USAMO的比赛,基本上是能达到全美国前500名的水平。现在的数学竞赛学习和参与考试的孩子越来越多,考题越来越难,竞争越发激烈,...
MM(A):你是质子~    MM(B):那你就是中子~    MM(A):那你就是介子~    MM(B):那你就是卵子(越说越下道)    MM(A):你是*,你没内涵!MM甲随口说:“一个圈里面四等分是宝马。”    MM乙接口说:“一个圈里面三等分是奔驰。”    MM丙:“一个圈里面三个V是大众。”    MM丁在旁边一直沉默,而后突然说:“一个圈...
U.S. News has added rankings of graduate programs, law schools, business schools, medical schools, and hospitals—and Morse has become the dean of a burgeoning international rankings industry.From these variables, U.S. News generates a score for each institution on a scale of 1 to 100, where Harvard is a 100 and the U...
Lessons from the Emory University Data ScandalinShare2.But in the big picture, much more important than their individual career paths is that the reputation of Emory University has been damaged.One clear lesson from this scandal is that you must respect the integrity of data.Every educator, and indeed every educated i...
2017 US News College Rankings: Do colleges still care?Though she says you can''t avoid rankings, Elizabeth Heaton, a college admissions consultant at College Coach in Watertown, Mass., believes "they come up less frequently than they used to." College Coach, which works with 32,000 families on colleg...
名校|爬藤: 能吸引名校AO的不是麻,辣,烫。(这里名校泛指有竞争力的录取率低的学校,包括好州大)以前我也为名校AO们发愁:眼前成山成海的优秀学生的申请表,怎么挑?归纳起来得出结论:AO工作一点也不难。是它反映的Purpose!AO想知道你做这一大堆事情,到底是为了什么?这个问题上如果没能让AO满意,不管孩子指标多优秀,录取可能很小。名校A...
12年级的To Do List手头有本小册子,名为''Countdown to College: 21 ''To Do'' List for High School''。Include college applications, test registrations and test dates, scholarship applications, housing, and financial deadlines.Attend college fairs and financial aid workshops.Finish essays f...
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