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科恩表示,如果你提前就知道,发生了某件事情会让上司怒火中烧,“那就不要毫无准备地走进会议室。提前想出一些可以解决问题的方案——最好是有创意的、出人意料的方案。意料之外的解决方案能让怒吼的人冷静下来,停止咆哮,开始考虑这个自己没有想到的方法。”当然,在提出这些方案的时候要轻声细语。Sometimes yellers calm down when it'...
Dear D.D.: First of all, I don''t think this is a "dumb problem," and neither does Bob Burg, a speaker and author who frequently hears some variation of this question from audience members in his seminars at Fortune 500 companies. "Women tell me they have an especially hard time saying ''...
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