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早产儿视网膜病 (Retinopathy of premature ROP)是一种未成熟或低出生体重儿的视网膜增殖性病变。二、 早产儿视网膜病的影响因素ROP要成为可避免的疾病,必须要了解ROP发生和发展可能的原因。[4](二)新生儿因素ROP是在多因素影响下形成的,确切的发病机理目前尚未明了,多项ROP的新生儿临床危险因素的研究中发现ROP形成的主要影响因素有几下...
(转)关于论文撰写的几点体会_豆丁_新浪博客(转)关于论文撰写的几点体会(2009-08-08 16:46:47)一篇论文的成败取决于选题,选题决定了研究的价值。如何选题也是撰写论文首先面对的难题,初写论文者总是感觉无所下手,好像任何一个问题大家都研究过了,创新很难。论文有自己的语言风格,绝不同于诗歌小说散文。如果格式有很多不规范的地方,从...
(转)如何指导研究生撰写英文论文并向英文杂志投稿_豆丁_新浪博客转)如何指导研究生撰写英文论文并向英文杂志投稿(2009-08-08 16:51:25)关键词:研究生;英文论文;英文期刊;综上所述,如果想在国际性杂志发表论文,导师就应该从最初的研究生入学抓起,重点提高学生英文的实际应用能力,导师要有耐心指导学生的论文写作,细致周到地反复推敲修改论文...
BCL-2KEGG PATHWAY: Focal adhesion - Reference path...Focal adhesion - Reference pathway.Some of the constituents of focal adhesions participate in the structural link between membrane receptors and the actin cytoskeleton, while others are signalling molecules, including different protein kinases and phosphatases, thei...
KEGG PATHWAY: Renal cell carcinoma - Referenc...Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a heterogenous term comprising a group of neoplasms of renal origin.Mutations in the fumarate hydratase (FH) gene cause hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cancer syndrome (HLRCC) papillary renal tumors, although the incidence of FH mutation...
2KEGG PATHWAY: Leukocyte transendothelial migr...During this diapedesis of leukocytes, the leukocytes bind to endothelial cell adhesion molecules (CAM) and then migrate across the vascular endothelium.Moreover, Leukocytes activate endothelial cell signals that stimulate endothelial cell retraction during localized dis...
KEGG PATHWAY: Leukocyte transendothelial migr...During this diapedesis of leukocytes, the leukocytes bind to endothelial cell adhesion molecules (CAM) and then migrate across the vascular endothelium.Moreover, Leukocytes activate endothelial cell signals that stimulate endothelial cell retraction during localized diss...
KEGG PATHWAY: Focal adhesion - Reference path...Focal adhesion - Reference pathway (KO)Some of the constituents of focal adhesions participate in the structural link between membrane receptors and the actin cytoskeleton, while others are signalling molecules, including different protein kinases and phosphatases, their...
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