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flexpaper源码的编译,去除logo和打印。> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns:flexpaper="com.devaldi.controls.flexpaper.*">> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
flexpaper使用介绍。工作中需要用到在线pdf阅读器,所以百度了下,找到了flexpaper这个工具。$cmd = ''"C:\Program Files\SWFTools\pdf2swf.exe" -t F:\\demo.pdf -s flashversion=9 -o F:\\tcpip.swf'';运行上述php脚本就会发现F盘下多出一个tcpip.swf的flash文件。右侧出现的single意思是将pdf转换成单一的swf文件...
How To Create Your Own Personal Document Viewer (Like Scribd or Google Books)In a nutshell, the viewer takes a PDF file that is converted to Flash (using SWFTools – pdf2swf), and then uses an open source flash viewer called FlexPaper to help with navigation.The doc viewer pane uses the Flash-based interface like the ...
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